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- Section takeover,Code
- Opt C-,O+,w-
- Start: lea $dff000,a5 ; hardware base address
- ; needed to allow address register with
- ; offset to access hardware resisters
- Move.w $1c(a5),OldInt ; Save Old Interupts (INTENAR, save the
- ; contents of interupt enable bits read)
- Move.w $02(a5),OldDma ; Save Old DMA (DMACONR, save the
- ; contents of DMA control bits read)
- Move.w #$7fff,$96(a5) ; Clear DMA (turn all DMA channels
- ; etc. off)
- Move.w #$7fff,$9a(a5) ; Clear Interupts (turn all Interupts
- ; off)
- Move.w #$7fff,$9c(a5) ; Clear Interupt Requests (turn all
- ; interupt requests etc. off)
- Move.b #$7f,$bfed01 ; kill timers
- Move.l $6c.w,OldV3 ; save addess of the level 3 interupt
- ; routine
- Move.l #my_level3,$6c.w ; put new interupt level 3 server
- ; address in level 3 vector
- Move.l #my_copper,$80(a5) ; put address of my copperlist into
- Lea Sprites+2,a0 ; This bit points all the sprites to
- Move.l #Dumsprite,d0 ; a dummy sprite to prevent them from
- Move.w #7,d1 ; leaving vertical lines all over!
- Clrsprite: ;
- Swap d0 ; Get low word of address
- Move.w d0,(a0) ; put it in copper list
- Swap d0 ; Get high word
- Move.w d0,4(a0) ; put it in copper list
- Add.l #8,a0 ; point to next entry in copper list
- Dbra d1,Clrsprite ; Do all 8 sprites
- Move.w #$c010,$9a(a5) ; Start interupts (turn on the level 3
- ; interupt)
- Move.w #$83ef,$96(a5) ; Start DMA ( all DMA except disk DMA)
- Move.w #1,$88(a5) ; Strobe for copper start (needed
- ; because graphics library is no longer
- ; automatically strobing for the copper
- ; to restart)
- ********************
- bsr my_programme ; this is where your program goes
- ********************
- ; this section now returns control back the OS, if you packing below
- ; $20000, your demo should not be able to quit and therefore should
- ; not do the following, if you wish to exit you must put the reset
- ; routine given later here (instead of the OS Restore). The demo will
- ; just Guru if you try to exit when it is absolute packed to low a
- ; address
- ; ****** OS restore ******
- lea $dff000,a5 ; hardware base address
- Move.l OldV3,$6c.w ; restore old level 3 vector
- Lea GfxLib,a1 ; Pointer to Library Text
- move.l 4.w,a6 ; Get the address of exec library
- jsr -132(a6) ; Forbid() - this is needed because
- ; the old level 3 interupt is now
- ; running again
- Move.l 4.w,a6 ; Exec base
- Moveq.l #0,d0 ; Clear D0
- Jsr -$228(a6) ; OpenLibrary() - opening the gfx
- ; library gives you the addresses of
- ; the old copperlists
- cmp.l #0,d0 ; if gfx library not open dont restore
- beq no_gfx_lib ; copper library, this can cause a
- ; crash if the demo is packed below
- ; $20000 and the reason you shouldn't
- ; exit
- Move.l d0,a1 ; move the address of the gfx library
- ; into a1 for offset addressing
- Move.l $26(a1),$80(a5) ; restore address of CLI copper 1
- Move.l $32(a1),$84(a5) ; restore address of CLI copper 2
- ; from the gfx library.
- no_gfx_lib:
- Move.w OldInt,d0 ; start old interupts
- Or.w #$8000,d0 ; enables you to set bits 0-14
- Move.w d0,$9a(a5) ; set INTENA
- Move.w OldDma,d0 ; start old DMA
- Or.w #$8000,d0 ; enables you to set bits 0-14
- Move.w d0,$96(a5) ; set DMACON
- Move.b #$9b,$bfed01 ; Re-start CIA Timers
- Move.l 4.w,a6 ; Close Gfx lib
- Jsr -$19e(a6)
- move.l 4.w,a6
- jsr -138(a6) ; Permit()
- Moveq.l #0,d0 ; No errors, always clear before
- ; returning to prevent RETURN CODE
- ; errors on the CLI
- Rts ; Exit
- my_level3:
- Movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7) ; New copper
- Move.w #$10,$dff09c ; Serviced Interupt
- ****************
- bsr my_interupt ; your stuff goes here
- ****************
- Exit: Movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 ; Return from Interupt
- Rte
- section Copperdata,data_c ; force to chipmem
- my_copper:
- dc.w $100,$0200 ; no bitpplanes
- dc.w $104,$a ; bp control reg
- dc.w $108,0 ; bp modulo - odd
- dc.w $10a,0 ; bp modulo - even
- dc.w $180,0 ; colour 0 to black
- dc.w $102,0 ; no scroll
- dc.w $08e,$2c81 ; bp window start left
- dc.w $090,$2cc1 ; bp window bot right
- dc.w $094,$d0 ; bp stop horz
- dc.w $92,$38
- sprites: dc.w $120,0,$122,0,$124,0,$126,0 ; Sprite pointers should
- dc.w $128,0,$12a,0,$12c,0,$12e,0 ; be pointed to a location
- dc.w $130,0,$132,0,$134,0,$136,0 ; which is initialised to
- dc.w $138,0,$13a,0,$13c,0,$13e,0 ; 0
- dc.w $ffe1,$fffe ; end of ntsc screen
- dc.w $3001,$ff00 ; end of pal screen
- dc.w $9c,$8010 ; irq set bits - restart copper
- dc.w $ffff,$fffe ; end of copper list
- Section Variables,Data ; This is where the old system
- ; pointers etc are saved
- DumSpite: dc.l 0,0
- oldint: dc.l 0
- olddma: dc.l 0
- oldv3: dc.l 0
- gfxlib: dc.b "graphics.library",0
- even
- ; End of takover/return control routine
- ; This is the reset routine, use this to reset the computer
- ; when exiting a demo packed to a low address
- move.l #$fc00d0,$80 ; Address of reset routine in rom
- trap #0 ; call reset routine in supervisor mode